Fire Sprinkler Installation Specializing In Custom Design & Installation
Offering the combination of managerial and technical expertise to complete any new or retrofit project.
We maintain a large inventory of pipe, sprinkler heads, and devices.
Wet/Dry Pipe Systems
Ranger Fire, Inc. has the proven ability to develop, lay out, and install turnkey fire protection systems, on time and on budget. We offer the unique combination of managerial and technical expertise to complete any new or retrofit project. When we are part of the design team, you'll get more than just skilled professionals with a comprehensive knowledge of codes and fire protection system requirements; you'll also receive the valuable benefit of a dedicated work ethic. The process of "Concept to Final Product" moves smoothly, so the owner or tenant is in the building faster and at lower cost.
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Deluge, Preaction, and ESFR Systems
We have our own fabrication facility in Saginaw, Texas. This state-of-the-art shop allows Ranger Fire to fabricate and weld sprinkler systems to job specifications as well as to maintain an inventory of pipe, sprinkler heads, and devices. Most importantly, it allows Ranger Fire to meet tight deadlines and provide the flexibility to get a project shipped out while our competitors have to wait in line with the third-party shops.